Sunday, January 26, 2025
Our 2024 Prediction Scorecard
On December 30, 2023, the Unforeseen Contingencies Prognostication Desk issued its annual predictions for the coming year. How did they do?
BRILLIANTLY! as it turns out... Here's the predictions and scoring.
1. Israel will conquer all of Gaza and destroy Hamas. Certainly Israel conquered Gaza. Did they destroy Hamas? All of Hamas' leaders have been killed, happily, but Hamas still exists... and seemingly is going to survive, because of the unfortunate and misguided ceasefire deal. Count this as a 50% hit for 1/2 point. +0.5
2. Donald Trump will receive the Republican nomination for President and will be on the ballot in all fifty states. Hit! Despite the best efforts of the Democrats to destroy democratic voting. The failed assassination and Trump's defiant response just before the Republican Convention did more to unite the party, and America, than I could have imagined. +1
3. The Democrats will sweep the 2024 elections, taking Presidency, House, and Senate. Miss! Thank Heaven! I overestimated the power of the cheat. +0
4. Massive fraud in the 2024 elections. This one is hard to score. There's evidence that fraud existed at local and regional levels... Sen. Slotkin probably lost in the Michigan Senate race, and there was obvious skullduggery in PA, MN, and WI. Happily, the replacement of Ronna McRomney as head of the RNC allowed to a serious get-out-the-vote effort. Another 50% hit. +0.5
5. Ukraine will not be conquered by Russia. The war will continue up through the end of 2024. Hit. Prediction for 2025 is the same. +1
6. Joe Biden will be the Democrat nominee for President. Wrong! This is actually a very interesting story, though. It was obvious during the 2020 campaign that he was in decline, with his incoherent rambling about hairy legs and Cornpop, dog-faced pony soldiers, and challenging "Fats" to a pushup contest. He clearly declined sharply over his tenure in office, and everyone could see it. It was obvious he was not in charge, but as a figurehead he sufficed while others ran the executive branch behind the scenes. He was a façade for the actual decision makers, and would have sufficed as such for another four years. But his disastrous, senile performance in the debate with Mr. Trump doomed him. (Why was he allowed to debate? That is an interesting mystery.) After the debate Biden suddenly vanished ("Covid") and then withdrew from the election, announcing on X and issuing a written statement signed with a hand that was rather unlike his usual signature. As the Democrats floundered over что делать, Biden issued another proclamation endorsing Kamala Harris. What seems to have happened is that the Democrat establishment -- Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, among others -- pressured Biden to withdraw. The Bidens capitulated, but in retaliation publicly boosted the moronic Harris, who Obama opposed. The Harris bandwagon started, and eventually even Obama climbed on. Defeat followed. +0
7. Israel goes to war with Hezbollah (and wins). Hit. The only disappointment is that Rep. Tlaib wasn't carrying her pager. +1
8. Donald Trump wins. Hit! It pays to cover your bases! No riots (yet) but the war with the bureaucracy is underway. So far Trump i.e. America ahead. +1
9. Whitmer for President. I was so wrong and am so relieved. May this never happen. +0
10. The discovery of extraterrestrial life will be officially announced. Not yet. It's coming. +0
The Unforeseen Contingencies Prediction Desk scored 5/10, for 50%. Not bad!
And so far, one of our predictions for 2025 has come to pass, and the rest are looking pretty good!
Some say that he wants the Nobel peace prize, like Obama. If so, then he is not only unspeakably evil and short-sighted but also demented, because Sweden is a European country and will never anoint the destroyer of Europe.
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