Friday, February 25, 2022


Thursday morning my first email of the day was from a friend and former student in Ukraine, telling me Kyiv was under rocket attack. I'm not hearing from anyone there now, unsurprisingly. It is hard to write much about this. The student who wrote me and many more of them earned PhDs in the West and returned to Ukraine to work on trying to make it a free and prosperous country. It's a multi-generational project, they acknowledged. They were involved in the Orange Revolution, Euromaidan, and some were advisors to the Zelenskyy government. If the Russians take over they will be hunted down and perhaps killed.

The posturing of the Brandon administration is just that, posturing. Donald Trump engaged in soft power war on Russia. The Brandonites reversed this by canceling Keystone XL and EastMed pipelines and ending Trump's restrictions that stopped Nordstream 2. They further strengthened Putin's hand by restricting drilling and fracking in the U.S. and by introducing transgenderism and racism (aka CRT) into the military. Putin has taken advantage.

This is bad in so many ways. Never mind Putin's plans for genocide. The West's failure, and especially America's failure, have demonstrated to Putin, and no doubt to Xi and to the Iranians, that they are faced with weak, unprincipled prostitutes. The better parts of the world are now in mortal danger from them.

Genocide? Putin's crazy Monday night rant about de-nazifying and de-communizing Ukraine, and how there's no such thing as Ukraine is terrifying. He aims to exterminate Ukrainian national identity. This will mean exterminating Ukrainians. His crazy-assed view that the kokhli are just subnormal Russians is truly genocidal. I hope and pray that Ukraine wins, and that Ukraine becomes the graveyard for many thousands of Russian soldiers. Ukraine is now fighting for the world.

Слава Україні! Героям слава!

Thank you for this post!
You are welcome, Maya. I will do more.
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