Friday, July 03, 2020

American Independence Day!

It’s the fourth of July – the birthday of the greatest country in the world, the greatest country that has ever existed: The United States of America.  These United States constitute the only country ever founded on philosophical principles, and those principles are the hope of all humanity.  America’s fundamental founding principle is the natural rights of the individual.  From that flow the corollary principles of individual liberty and the sanctity of private property, limited government, and an institutional system of checks and balances.  All of this is based on the foundation of reason, our fundamental epistemological tool.

No other country in history has ever been built on such excellent principles.  No other country has ever been so successful in living up to them and promoting them.  These principles have allowed Americans to flourish and create unprecedented wealth.  This wealth creation has spread around the globe – it is capital and ideas from the West, and especially America, that has led to the unparalleled growth in incomes and living standards for people around the world.  Thanks especially to America, the world is on the verge of attaining freedom and prosperity for all, for every single person willing to apply themselves under a system of natural liberty.

America must be celebrated.  Our principles must be celebrated.  And they must be promoted, unabashedly.  America and its principles are the hope of the world.

I’ve no sympathy for Black Lies Marxists and their hangers-on, libertoonist critics of America, Democrats, foreign despots, conservatives who turn out to be progressives, pre- and post-modernists, and other opponents of America, and at present I’ve neither time or patience to deal with their criticisms, which tend to be dumb and always wrong.  So I’ll not respond to these scoundrels here.  Instead, I’ll close with this:

This is a time for celebration of the greatest political achievement in human history: The United States of America.  Let’s make her greatest days lie ahead! 

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