Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Unforeseen Contingencies update!
Greetings, beloved Readers! (I still find it surprising we have readers, but I have been receiving feedback that proves it is so.) By popular demand (i.e. one request), I've been posting HET (History of Economic Thought) videos here. I don't really like this, and might start relegating them to my YouTube channel. If I do this, I'll have a link in the blogroll.
The Covid-19/Wuhan Flu/Communist Chinese Fever shutdown is changing things immensely. This disease and the consequent panic and shutdown are true unforeseen contingencies. Whether something is an unforeseen contingency is contingent upon one's expectations, but I've not heard of anyone who was expecting this. The reactions of governments is extremely interesting. Wise? Panicked? Opportunistic? Combinations of these? The opinions of the epidemiology experts I've read diverge so wildly -- from this is nothing to this is the end of the world -- that they make Mises and Keynes look like co-authors.
We'll comment on that soon. For now, stay well and stay positive!
The Covid-19/Wuhan Flu/Communist Chinese Fever shutdown is changing things immensely. This disease and the consequent panic and shutdown are true unforeseen contingencies. Whether something is an unforeseen contingency is contingent upon one's expectations, but I've not heard of anyone who was expecting this. The reactions of governments is extremely interesting. Wise? Panicked? Opportunistic? Combinations of these? The opinions of the epidemiology experts I've read diverge so wildly -- from this is nothing to this is the end of the world -- that they make Mises and Keynes look like co-authors.
We'll comment on that soon. For now, stay well and stay positive!