Sunday, February 02, 2020

A Good Start to the Year! Brexit, Trump...

Happy Candlemas…or Groundhog Day, or Superbowl Sunday, or perhaps Dachstag.  I like to think of it as two days after Brexit and Trump once again defeating our enemies.

Brexit: Three cheers for Great Britain and Northern Ireland!  They’ve escaped the shackles of the anti-democratic elitist authoritarians of the E.U.  The United Kingdom is once again a sovereign nation.  Welcome back!

Boris Johnson promises not to play tough in trade negotiations with the E.U. thugs.  And he’s now free to pursue free trade with the United States and other non-E.U. countries.  The U.K.’s socialists – Labor and the Lib-Dems – have been routed.  There remains much to do and many fights ahead, but what a great advance and what a great moment in history!  The vote of 2016 is finally accepted, and the anti-democratic forces defeated.

Nina Bookout of Victory Girls has a particularly nice post on all this.  It includes two videos that are certainly worth your time.  The first one, about 15 minutes long, shows a debate in the European Parliament.  The anti-Brexit members show utter contempt for citizens and their votes, and act like the elitist authoritarians they are.  Nigel Farage and his troops are not cowed and let the Eurocrats have it.  It’s particularly satisfying to watch, because the Lib-Dem and Labor reps, as well as some weirdos from the Continent, prattle that if the unenlightened people had only understood the issues they’d have voted differently.  In fact, a new election is called for.  Well, they got the new election they wanted... and were utterly crushed.  Bravo!

The second video is Nigel Farage giving U.K.’s Exit Speech.  It is beautiful.  He sums up everything right about commercial trade and everything wrong with E.U.  And then, he and his companions pull out their Union Jacks.  It turns out it’s forbidden to fly a national flag in the European Parliament, and they are ordered to put them away.  Otherwise they’ll have to leave.  They wave goodbye with their flags.  Hahahahaha!  The European Union, an ill-begotten political project designed to create safe sinecures for French bureaucrats and Prussian bankers, just lost its most important member.  May the others follow soon.

Trump: Meanwhile, here in the States, again, the vote of 2016 is preserved!  The Congressional Democrats have failed to reverse the election of 2016.  By a vote of 51-49, the Senate agreed to not call further “witnesses.”  Adam Schiff and the other Democrat House members claimed to have incontrovertible evidence of President Trump conspiring with the Russians and all sorts of other nefarious things.  They presented absolutely none in the House proceedings, and none in the Senate.  Instead, they suddenly demanded new “witnesses.” I put quotation marks around “witness” because a witness is someone who has witnessed something.  The Dem impeachment managers had no "something" and were scrambling to find, or invent, new offenses.  What Schiff, Nadler, et al. wanted was a stream of people to cast aspersions.  Happily, they failed.

Pierre Delecto, scoundrel and traitor par excellence to America, managed to vote with the Democrats, as did the other Massachusetts RINO, Susan Collins.  But to no avail; the good guys won.

No doubt the Dems will pull out even more last minute “witnesses” with scandalous tales about President Trump.  They already have some crazy lady with a 30-year-old unwashed dress that supposedly proves Trump a notorious rapist.  (Unclear whether her name really is Christine Blaisy Ford as rumored.) 

The entire affair is horrible; it’s an attempted coup by political means.  It's good that it was defeated.  But the Senate proceedings did have a few bright moments.  One was Chief Justice John Roberts refusing to read a question from Senator Rand Paul, because it included the name Eric Ciaramella, the so-called “whistleblower.”  The Chief Justice is there to preside, not censor.  John Roberts expose himself as a swamp creature (again).  What’s particularly amusing is that everyone who cares knows that which Justice Roberts censored.  And it is obvious that Ciaramella conspired with House Democrats in advance of any "whistleblowing."

Also amusing was when Jerry the Hutt Nadler managed to accuse all the Republicans in the Senate of engaging in a coverup.  Even better, Pocahontas Warren managed to call John Roberts, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the U.S. Constitution illegitimate.

Icing on the cake was when the House managers were asked to sum up, and Nadler sprang to the lectern with Schiff in pursuit him trying to shut him up.  Truly a clown show!  The clowns lost.

The year is young.  There’s a wild ride ahead.  But if early returns are any indication, the good guys will be winning. 

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