Tuesday, December 17, 2019

If I were Greta's Guardian

...Greta Thunberg, not Greta Garbo.  That's a different post.

One clear sign that leftists are insane is that they've latched on to Greta Thunberg as a spokesperson and icon.  This waif is uneducated, mentally ill, and suffers from autism.  In short, she's nearly the ideal representative for today's left.  ("Nearly" because she has some serious flaws... she's apparently female rather than transwhatevered, and even worse, she's white (horrors!))

Yes, an uneducated, mentally ill, autistic teenager should always be one's first choice for policy guidance!

There's been some excellent commentary on this silly girl and the preposterous phenomena surrounding her.  Kurt Schlichter has a fine analysis of this silly twit and the twits who idolize her.  As Schlichter puts it, "Clearly Greta Thunberg is being exploited by her cynical puppetmasters, but equally clearly she’s a tiresome, bizarre Marxist scold whose exploitation of the hapless dummies who buy into the climate change hoax is part of what is an increasingly violent plot to undermine capitalism and freedom. Recently, the cretins at TIME, which shockingly still exists in 2019, named her 'Person of the Year.' That’s appropriate, since 2019 has been a very annoying year."


Schlichter continues: "Now, Greta clearly believes all the silliness she is regurgitating, and she will certainly be sad when we ignore it. And that’s too bad. Her feelz are utterly immaterial. In fact, the sadder she gets, the freer we are."

"In a general sense, I hope that Greta someday liberates herself from the clutches of the people exploiting her naïve credulousness in order to take our freedom and dollars. But in a more specific way, I could not care less what Greta thinks or feels. And you shouldn’t either."

This raises (at least for those with too little else to think about) the question...what would it take for Greta to liberate herself?  I put the entire staff of the Unforeseen Contingencies Waif Salvation Department on this question, and they concluded the following.  Greta needs a guardian, and here's what he ("you," they told me) must do.

1. Make her eat meat.  She's a vegan.  She's sickly and physically damaged.  She's needs bacon and eggs in the morning, and half pound cheeseburgers at lunch and dinner.  Lots of ketchup (rich in lycopene and Reagan's favorite vegetable).  She needs protein and fat, stat!  Give her a multivitamin, too.

2. Start working out.  After a few weeks of decent food, she'll start to come alive.  Once her frail body starts to recover, she needs to run; a brisk two miles a day, five days a week.  She also needs to lift weights and swing kettlebells.  Not heavy (unless she really gets into it and wants to go heavy), but she needs to be functional and strong.  Good nutrition, oxygen, and general physical fitness will go a long way to improving her self-image and outlook on life.  She'll be on the road to becoming a normal, well-adjusted person.  She might even stop wanting to kill people.

3. Start learning.  Read good material.  Begin with Frederic Bastiat's The Law and Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson.  Then Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics.  Next she'll be ready for Bjorn Lomborg's Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It.  After that, J. Peter Vajk's Doomsday Has Been Cancelled.  She'll start to be happy and excited about the future.

At that point, we at Unforeseen Contingencies will have done what we can.  It would be time for her to venture off on her own.  She'd need to be around sane, positive, nurturing people.  She should go someplace where they'll teach her about the importance of Western Civilization and individual liberty, our Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman heritage, the importance of the Enlightenment and reason.  She should be around friends who will challenge her and support her, not people who exploit her for political gain.

Or... she can always stay with UC, and we'll train her to be an ultrarunner.

I suppose it's not impossible I'll become Greta Thunberg's guardian, but it's rather doubtful, just as it's rather doubtful she'll ever see this post.  But just in case... cheer up, Greta (and everyone else), the world is actually getting better all the time!

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