Saturday, October 05, 2019

Crazy, They Said

Another attempt at a short short, again inspired by Darleen Click's "Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge" on the Victory Girls blog.  I'm embarrassed to admit I went 37 words over the limit.
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ~~ Marcus Aurelius

The pig-tailed waif put down the microphone and glared icily around the chamber. The delegates to the Galactic Council cast down their eyes in shame, the penultimate line “How dare you!” ringing in their ears and other aural sensors.
The Secretary cleared xir throat nervously. “Perhaps we should vote.”
As hands, paws, tentacles, and other appendages began to reach for the buttons that registered choices, a faint noise interrupted, growing in intensity… A snicker, then a chortle, and then a loud guffaw. All eyes and other photodetectors turned to the small, lemur-like delegate from the obscure planet Shmoo, who was by now rolling in the aisle, convulsed with laughter. “‘I demand you vote to outlaw reality,’ she says,” the little creature howled, holding its sides and gasping for breath, “AND YOU ARE ALL ABOUT TO VOTE YES!”

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