Friday, July 19, 2019
Space: where no bureaucracy has gone before...and let's keep it that way!
Ross Hatley and I have a timely op-ed in today's Washington Examiner outlining the need for an institutional framework for the space economy. Needed: private, well-protected property rights and vibrant market system for trading them. Unlike what some anarcho-capitalists seem to imagine, this requires a set of rules, an institutional framework. Unlike what progressives and socialists imagine, a decentralized free market, not central planning, is what is needed for humanity to thrive, in space and on Earth.
Bureaucrats, stay home. The rest of us... Let's go!
Photo: SpaceX' Falcon Heavy lifting off with its first commercial payload.
Bureaucrats, stay home. The rest of us... Let's go!
Photo: SpaceX' Falcon Heavy lifting off with its first commercial payload.