Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump-Pence 2020

President Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President today.  Unforeseen Contingencies is very pleased to endorse Trump-Pence 2020.  Trump has been a good president to date.  He has cut regulation and taxes, he has gotten to U.S. out of the destructive Paris Accord and Iranian nuclear deal, he required hospitals to begin posting prices, provided equal tax treatment for employer HRA's, gotten tough with China and Russia, encouraged energy development so that the U.S. is now a net exporter of energy, appointed two Supreme Court justices, changed the rules of engagement with the result that Daesh has been smashed, spurred the development of both private and government space programs, appointed many judges below the SCOTUS level, largely retracted the EPA's terrible WOTUS rule, moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to the capital Jerusalem, improved U.S. Saudi relations, getting reformer Prince Mohammed bin Salman on board in fighting Islamic terrorism, ended the coddling of the communists in Cuba, and explicitly and repeatedly denounced socialism.  More, please.

Meanwhile, the Democrat candidates are falling over each other endorsing every sort of socialist policy.  The list of terrible things endorsed by Democrat candidates boggles the mind.  Most have signed on to the Green New Deal, with would destroy the American economy and starve Americans.  They also insist on raising taxes, abolishing private health care, censorship, more censorship, and -- of course -- mass citizen disarmament.  That last one is a necessity for them, because the rest of their agenda constitutes a declaration of war on Americans.

It's astonishing that socialism has become the Democrats' big issue.  It's a terrible, vile, and failed theory.  Concentration camps and death camps were invented in the 20th Century, and every single one of them was produced by a socialist system.  The socialist has little choice.  Socialism is about engineering society -- it necessarily treats people as building material, and recalcitrant building materials with minds of their own tend to upset the great plan.  Such eggs must be broken for the socialist omelet.  Today's Democrat leaders seem to be all-in on this.

Thank heavens that Donald Trump, for all his faults, is actively fighting these people and winning.  "We" at Unforeseen Contingencies endorse Donald Trump for re-election, and hope that the Republicans -- little as we like them -- sweep Congress.  No socialism.  Go Trump!

Loved readding this thank you
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