Tuesday, February 05, 2019

State of the Union -- AWESOME!

I loved President Trump's speech.  I loved the emphasis on freedom and individual liberty, his refusal to mince words on things that need opposing, and his repeated calls for burying the hatchet.  It was magnificent, positive, and rational.  I also loved that he spoke so directly against socialism and vowed we'll never let it be imposed here.

His speech was also positive and upbeat in a way Obama never could pull off.  At times he even had Democrats laughing and dancing (all except cranky old Comrade Bernie, who constantly looked like a constipated cow about to have a seizure).

It would be remarkable if Democrats and Republicans actually followed Trump's lead, and realized that within reach is a safer, freer, more prosperous, more faithful, happier America.  As it is, I fear they won't, and we'll all be challenged ahead "to save our civilization from tyranny."

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