Sunday, May 05, 2013
Now What?
"We" at UC are happy to present this guest post from Greg Summers, student of economics at Hillsdale College.
Americans are increasingly becoming involved, or at least knowledgeable, about politics given the recent bevy of "beautiful" crises. Ironically, this long sought after development may have culminated a moment too late; Americans' voices fall short of the demands of special interest groups. The sickly economy and an indifferent administration only inflame the sentiments of the people, specifically the primary tax base - the middle class. People are understandably angry that in a time of immense potential abundance our government can't keep its own checkbook in order. And after each government screw up they come back for more. So we have the most vital socioeconomic group subsidizing negligence and being forced to pander to special interests. Those who don't benefit are furious.
The media offers little assistance with FOX/MSNBC being laughable and the other networks containing little more that watered down journalism. The number of important events that are unreported, or barely mentioned, is impressive. For example, look at the pathetic late reporting on the Gosnell trial or the passing of CISPA - the most significant piece of legislation on the internet ever drafted - or Congress pulling a bait and switch on reforming insider trading laws for politicians. Where is the media in all this? Why are these stories not worth the public's attention?
There also appears to be negativity brewing towards classical liberal types - surprisingly from both parties. Harry Reid recently labeled libertarians (he referred to them as Tea Party members) as dangerous anarchists who want to strip away government which is "inherently good". But then, perhaps this is a hopeful development; it reflects a certain fear on the side of politicians. The man who complains the loudest usually is threatened by something.
There is hope in the long run. The harder anyone tries to silence rational ideas the more the silencer looks bad, and this especially true in the Information Age. Social media has created unprecedented access to information, and internet groups like Anonymous (however erratic their behavior may be) pose a strong defense against government interference. However, as computer and internet technology industry develops many of those advantages will fall away. But that is where humanity can innovate and find new methods of distributing information. Most people are hard to silence if they're motivated enough. Ideally, a peaceful, reasonable realignment of policy will occur soon.
The probability of that?
I couldn't even begin to guess.
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