Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ninth Bear

A quick note from the Flathead Valley, in Montana. I'm happy to report that this past Saturday, 10 October, I managed to complete my ninth Le Grizz Ultramarathon. It was a very long day, owing to my minimalist training. It was a very fun and successful day, thanks to my awesome one-gal support crew, Fran Zelenitz.

The air temperature at race start was 0 degrees F, which caused drinking tubes on hydration packs to freeze solid. I quickly switched to hand bottles, but the valves quickly froze, which meant Fran had to regularly hand me fresh ones. And later on in the day, when I was Perpetuemed-out, she brewed me mugs of hot water on her handy propane stove to get me rehydrated. Thanks to her great support, plus a little help from another friend of ours, I managed to complete the run in pretty decent shape, despite my relative lack of training.

Of course, I'm totally toasted now (Sunday),! My ninth bear!

Photos to come!

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