Monday, August 31, 2009

U.K. immigration bans libertarian exercise specialist

Frank Forencich of Exuberant Animal, the wonderful exercise site written from a libertarian perspective, has a post on being ejected from the U.K. as a potential terrorist.

Forencich's work is some of the most life-affirming, liberating, and thus anti-terroristic work in existence. He'd broken no laws, was traveling on perfectly legitimate business, and constituted no threat at all. Yet in the name of anti-terrorism, he was arrested at Heathrow, interrogated, and quickly deported back to the U.S.

How to deal with such an outrageous and humiliating violation?

Frank has the answer, and it's as good a lesson in stoicism and epicureanism as I've seen in some time. Worth reading, so read it!

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