Sunday, May 30, 2021
There's No Such Thing as "Gender..."
...not for humans, at least. "We" here at Unforeseen Contingencies are sticklers for precision in thinking, and that requires precision in concepts, which in turn requires precision in language. One of the most powerful tools of the totalitarians who call themselves the "left" is manipulation of language. The great economists Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek lamemnted how leftists stole the term "liberal" from advocates of individual rights, free markets, and the minimal state and twisted it to mean socialism. Mises noted that statists changed the meaning of "inflation" from "expansion of the money supply" to "price increases," intentionally confusing effect with cause, thus throwing up a smokescreen for their policies. Hayek observed the tendency of leftists to append the adjective "social" to a concept to turn it into its opposite while seeming to support it, as with "social justice." Justice is a standard for treating everyone equally, i.e. as he or she deserves. Social justice is about treating people unequally, according to the group to which one assigns them, with some rewarded at the expense of others, and none according to individual merit or demerit. Social justice is anti-justice.
In this vein, a current perversion of language and concepts involves "gender." Gender is a perfectly legitimate term within language. Nouns have have gender... for example, in German, gender of a noun is signified by the definite articles die, der, and das. In French it's le and la. English dispenses with this. And none of it has anything to do with sex.
Humans and other mammals have sex. That's not "have sex" as a grammatically suspect way of saying "engage in sexual relations," that's "humans are male or female." Sex is genetically determined. It is one's biological nature. It is not "assigned at birth," and it is not an identity one chooses or feels. Some men are, no doubt, not very manly, and some women not very womanly, but they are still men and women, or boys and girls if immature.
With that in mind, consider the idiocy of "gender." Tumblr apparently lists 112 different "genders" as of 2021, but also 71 prefixes. That alone gives 8064 (112 x 72) genders. But since "genders" and modifiers expand as quickly as someone imagines a new one, the list is effectively unlimited. No doubt each requires its own pronouns and forms or address. That is truly idiocy, of course. It is destructive of clear thought, oncepts and language. It is nihilism. Or in other words, it's nonsense.
I know at at least one transexual person who went throught treatment to give up being the man he was born as and become a pseudo-woman. I understand that this man had emotional problems, and in his case I think they might have been partly resolved by his transition. But he is not a woman. And at this point -- the point where children are fed puberty blockers and hormones and mutilated -- and where fanatics are trying to force everyone to accept the lie that there are many "genders" and one can change sex or gender at will -- there can be no more playing along with such fantasies. Reality is not optional.
Sex is genetic, it is one's nature. There's no such thing as gender.
(Further reading: "Female is a Fact" by Anony Mee on American Thinker, and "Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization" by Mark Steyn in Hillsdale College's Imprimis.
In this vein, a current perversion of language and concepts involves "gender." Gender is a perfectly legitimate term within language. Nouns have have gender... for example, in German, gender of a noun is signified by the definite articles die, der, and das. In French it's le and la. English dispenses with this. And none of it has anything to do with sex.
Humans and other mammals have sex. That's not "have sex" as a grammatically suspect way of saying "engage in sexual relations," that's "humans are male or female." Sex is genetically determined. It is one's biological nature. It is not "assigned at birth," and it is not an identity one chooses or feels. Some men are, no doubt, not very manly, and some women not very womanly, but they are still men and women, or boys and girls if immature.
With that in mind, consider the idiocy of "gender." Tumblr apparently lists 112 different "genders" as of 2021, but also 71 prefixes. That alone gives 8064 (112 x 72) genders. But since "genders" and modifiers expand as quickly as someone imagines a new one, the list is effectively unlimited. No doubt each requires its own pronouns and forms or address. That is truly idiocy, of course. It is destructive of clear thought, oncepts and language. It is nihilism. Or in other words, it's nonsense.
I know at at least one transexual person who went throught treatment to give up being the man he was born as and become a pseudo-woman. I understand that this man had emotional problems, and in his case I think they might have been partly resolved by his transition. But he is not a woman. And at this point -- the point where children are fed puberty blockers and hormones and mutilated -- and where fanatics are trying to force everyone to accept the lie that there are many "genders" and one can change sex or gender at will -- there can be no more playing along with such fantasies. Reality is not optional.
Sex is genetic, it is one's nature. There's no such thing as gender.
(Further reading: "Female is a Fact" by Anony Mee on American Thinker, and "Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization" by Mark Steyn in Hillsdale College's Imprimis.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Critical Race Theory
Here's a quick note on Critical Race Theory (CRT). Critical Race Theory is not a theory; it is a Marxist doctrine that, if followed, leads to brutality, violence and extermination campaigns. How so? The research staff at Unforeseen Contingencies explains.
Karl Marx proposed "ruthless criticism of everything." Marx argued that everything -- every concept, institution,relationship, idea -- should be desconstructed. His idea of criticism was not careful examination, but dismantling. The world could then be reconstructed de novo, from his ideas. Hence he attacked family, religion, normal sexuality, art, and all other aspects of culture. However, he put the greatest emphasis on economics, mistakenly assuming that the mode of production -- e.g. hunting-gathering, nomadic herding, agriculture, industrial production -- determined everything else in society, particularly the formal and informal institutions or rules, and the relations among individuals. He also foolishly thought that workers and employers were implacable enemies, with employers enriching themselves by impoverishing workers. Hence Marx put all his revolutionary eggs in the economics basket, thinking that the free market system would ruin workers and lead them to revolt.
Instead, the free market system created modern economic growth, and began raising workers' incomes and lifestyles to unprecendented levels. The revolution was doomed.
The head of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci, caught on to this and realized the workers would never revolt on economic grounds. Gramsci argued that the proletariat had been "bought off" and adopted bourgeois culture, and that the revolution would require new grounds if it were to occur. He proposed culture as the grounds -- race, sex, sexuality, religion, philosophy, art, etc. This theme was also picked up by the Marxists of the Frankfurt School (first of Frankfurt University, and then of Columbia University), who added to it "critical theory," the idea that everything should be deconstructed, subjected to complete criticism a lá Marx. Critical theory is not a theory, but a strategy, a method for tearing ideas apart and destroying them.
CRT itself is a branch of Critical Theory, a form of cultural Marxism, and it is a particularly nasty one, since it promotes race war and race purges. CRT is the basis of the Black Lies Matter organization and movement, an explicitly Marxist organization dedicated to overthrowing Western Civilation (they removed that bit from their website last September, when their accompanying attacks on the traditional family began to attract criticism). Editor/writer Christopher Rufo of City Journal provides details.
That's what CRT is, a doctrine of racism and Marxist revolution. With the removal of President Trump form office, CRT is now being imposed in Federal agencies, in the military, in government school curriculum, and in big corporations. If CRT becomes common dogma, the United States will come to an end. Race hatred, communism, ethno-mathematics that denies such a thing as a right answer, and more... any of these is sufficient by itself to destroy us.
This is genuinely a life-and-death matter. In California, a proposed curriculum for state schools listed Pol Pot as a "heroic person of color." The architect of Cambodia's murderous killing fields was eventually removed, but CRT adopted. But that's where CRT leads...killing fields. It must be stopped and destroyed, and real principles and values must prevail. Now that Unforeseen Contingencies is back in action, we will promote this and explain how it will be accomplished.
Karl Marx proposed "ruthless criticism of everything." Marx argued that everything -- every concept, institution,relationship, idea -- should be desconstructed. His idea of criticism was not careful examination, but dismantling. The world could then be reconstructed de novo, from his ideas. Hence he attacked family, religion, normal sexuality, art, and all other aspects of culture. However, he put the greatest emphasis on economics, mistakenly assuming that the mode of production -- e.g. hunting-gathering, nomadic herding, agriculture, industrial production -- determined everything else in society, particularly the formal and informal institutions or rules, and the relations among individuals. He also foolishly thought that workers and employers were implacable enemies, with employers enriching themselves by impoverishing workers. Hence Marx put all his revolutionary eggs in the economics basket, thinking that the free market system would ruin workers and lead them to revolt.
Instead, the free market system created modern economic growth, and began raising workers' incomes and lifestyles to unprecendented levels. The revolution was doomed.
The head of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci, caught on to this and realized the workers would never revolt on economic grounds. Gramsci argued that the proletariat had been "bought off" and adopted bourgeois culture, and that the revolution would require new grounds if it were to occur. He proposed culture as the grounds -- race, sex, sexuality, religion, philosophy, art, etc. This theme was also picked up by the Marxists of the Frankfurt School (first of Frankfurt University, and then of Columbia University), who added to it "critical theory," the idea that everything should be deconstructed, subjected to complete criticism a lá Marx. Critical theory is not a theory, but a strategy, a method for tearing ideas apart and destroying them.
CRT itself is a branch of Critical Theory, a form of cultural Marxism, and it is a particularly nasty one, since it promotes race war and race purges. CRT is the basis of the Black Lies Matter organization and movement, an explicitly Marxist organization dedicated to overthrowing Western Civilation (they removed that bit from their website last September, when their accompanying attacks on the traditional family began to attract criticism). Editor/writer Christopher Rufo of City Journal provides details.
That's what CRT is, a doctrine of racism and Marxist revolution. With the removal of President Trump form office, CRT is now being imposed in Federal agencies, in the military, in government school curriculum, and in big corporations. If CRT becomes common dogma, the United States will come to an end. Race hatred, communism, ethno-mathematics that denies such a thing as a right answer, and more... any of these is sufficient by itself to destroy us.
This is genuinely a life-and-death matter. In California, a proposed curriculum for state schools listed Pol Pot as a "heroic person of color." The architect of Cambodia's murderous killing fields was eventually removed, but CRT adopted. But that's where CRT leads...killing fields. It must be stopped and destroyed, and real principles and values must prevail. Now that Unforeseen Contingencies is back in action, we will promote this and explain how it will be accomplished.