Friday, October 19, 2018

Le Grizz #17: BEARS

On Oct. 13 I completed my 17th Le Grizz 50 Mile Ultramarathon.  This one lived up to its name.

Lovely Julie and I flew to Montana for the 37th running of Le Grizz, my 17th.  (Somehow I've missed 20 of them.  Never again!)  Here's a race report.  We arrived in Kalispell MT on Thursday and settled in, buying supplies and doing a short trip into Glacier National Park for sightseeing and photography.  On Friday my good friend, fellow adventurer, and support crew member Jeff Ross joined us.  Friday evening we drove to Polebridge MT for packet pickup.  Less than a mile mile short of Polebridge we encountered on the road a rather large grizzly bear feeding on a bale of hay (photo).  Since we racers would be passing this point the next day, in the dark, my reaction was "Yikes!"  This would be the first time I carried bear spray in a race.

The next day at 5:00 AM our friend Marc Pittman arrived at our base camp, the Mini Golden Inns in Hungry Horse, in his one ton truck with super heavy anti-elk bumper.  In two vehicles we drove through GNP to the start at Polebridge.  I met met up with the iconic Pat Caffrey, who would be officiating the start.  There was an unusual number of runners doing the "Early Bird" start, an hour ahead of the regular start -- great! The probability the bear gets me is 1/n, where n is the number of starters.  The more the merrier.  Of course, that assumes the bear only eats one... or there's only one bear.  Assumptions, assumptions.

Caffrey fired the starting shotgun and we took off in the dark.  I ran with several different people, chatting with them.  When we approached the spot where the bear had previously been, there was a spectator parked, ringing a cowbell and cheering us on.  He confirmed he had chased off at least one bear before we arrived.  Yikes!!!

As we proceeded south on the North Fork Road, the sun came up.  It would be a cool day, varying between clouds and sun.  We hit the turnaround at ten miles and headed back north.  By now Jeff was with me on his bike.  I was running at a pretty decent clip and felt good.  As we approached Polebridge and the 20 mile point, I was running with a gal, Stacey D., whom I'd met at Elkhorn, with Jeff riding alongside us.  Another runner I know well, Tim M., was about 20 yards ahead of us.  Suddenly a very large grizzly jumped out of the woods and crossed the road I think about 20 yards in front of Tim.  Yikes once again!!!  We all drew our bear sprays.  Two spectators parked on the side of the road began yelling at the bear to get lost, and the rest of us behind Tim joined in (he later claimed he was petting the bear to calm it down for us).  The bear vanished in the ditch alongside the road.  We passed, carefully (I think it was hunkering in the ditch), and as we did the spectators called to us, "that was the second one, can you see where the other one went?"  YIKES! YIKES! YIKES!

But we didn't see another, and made it past without trouble.

Back at Polebridge and 20 miles into the race I was rather pleased with my time,and my legs felt good.  But my back was starting to hurt. We proceeded north of Polebridge, and I started feeling worse and began taking substantial walking breaks.  A runner from Spokane, Don P., caught up with me (he'd done the regular start so "catching up" meant he was an hour ahead) he was pretty talkative and we had a great discussion of running, training, health, and the like.  I really enjoyed it.  I also began to realize my back was a real problem.  He eventually took off and Jeff and I proceeded slowly. "Slow" defines the next 15 miles.  My back stiffened just short of cramping and hurt like crazy.  Marc was stopping every so often to set up an impromptu aid station, and I'd bend over, grab that big honking anti-elk bumper, and have Julie massage me, which helped some.  At one point, Janice M., wife of a fellow runner, was watching and suddenly said "get out of the way" and started working.  I started screaming; she's a professional therapist and hit the spots perfectly.  It was excruciating and boy did it help!  After that, I was able to run.  Not fast, but run.  Marc began running with me -- we were doing his "airborne shuffle" -- and we hit the turnaround and headed back for the last 15 miles.  

The last 15 were intermittent Marc and Jeff, with Julie driving.  The three of them boosted me through it.  Towards the end Jeff had planned on driving to the finish, but realizing my state he decided to bike all the way in with me  At mile 43 he broke out a bottle of Jack Daniels and we each had a shot.  It's remarkable what a shot of Jack can do -- my back pain and Jeff's knee pain vanished.

As darkness fell, I actually accelerated, catching two runners.  I finished, greeted by the venerable Pat Caffrey, who took my finish line photo (below).  It was my slowest Le Grizz, but what a great time!

The next day we all met for breakfast with Marc and his wife, and then did an easy hike in GNP for photography and to loosen my legs.  

Thus ended Le Grizz 17.  What a great adventure!  Number 18 ahead!

Me, Marc, and Jeff

Running with Jeff

Running with Marc

Le Grizz


For proper race recovery

Julie and Jeff, day after

Out of film?

Stretching technique

We do this kind of thing because it takes us to wild places, both physically and spiritually, where we feel and know we're really alive.

A Party of Evil?

Dems, BACK OFF!  And WALK AWAY!  The behavior of many members of today's Democrat Party is astonishingly evil.  I would welcome the opportunity to debate them rationally.  But leaders of the party and high profile supporters explicitly state an intent to hurt those who disagree with them, rather than reason with them.  Hilliary Clinton, the Dems' would-be president, says Dems will not treat others civilly until the Dems return to power (yes, just imagine how civil they'll be if they have power...lack of power is the only reason they behave badly).  Maxine Waters urges Dems to "get in their faces," and not allow opponents a moment of peace when eating in restaurants, pumping gas, shopping, or sleeping at home.  One of Steven Colbert's writers brags about Brett Kavanaugh "Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life."  Eric Holder urges Dems to "kick" their opponents.  I suppose that could be mere metaphor, but given the harassment and violence perpetrated by the left, I suspect otherwise.

The talk of violence from the Dems is serious.  One does not say these things unless initiating violence is on one's mind. People who speak this way must never have power.  They cannot be trusted.  Their language is less for others than for themselves.  I fear they are revealing what's inside them.

I keep the Mike Vanderboegh quote on my masthead because it defines the line we must not allow them to cross.  Mike was a peaceful man, but he understood peace and freedom require a willingness to defend them.  "Don't tread on me" is serious.  Laissez-nous faire.

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Welcome, Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh! And now...

I'm extremely pleased that Mr. Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court has been confirmed and that he's now been sworn in as a Justice.  That's wonderful in several ways.  First, we now have a Supreme Court Justice, and one who appears to be devoted to following the Constitution, rather than legislating.  I expect -- at least have reason to hope -- we now have a Supreme Court that will tend to strengthen the First and Second Amendments and protect our private property rights.

Second, the amount viciousness and plain evil evil emanating from the Senate Democrats and the radical left is waking more people to how dangerous they are -- maybe even waking the GOP establishment.  Threats by a Dem ex-staffer to doxx Senators' children, maniac Sen. Corey Booker urging supporters to go after other Senators, the evidence that the whole mess was a conspiracy organized by Dem leadership and paid for by Dem donors ("calling Mr. Soros")... I hope the Republicans now recognize these people must never have power.  Lindsay Graham seems to be learning the lesson.

And now what?

"We" at Unforeseen Contingencies fervently hope that the next steps are investigations of Prof. Christine Ford, her attorneys, Julie Swetnick, Michael Avenatti, and the rest of those liars for criminal behavior -- lying under oath and in the course of the investigations, followed by criminal prosecutions wherever possible.  In addition, we call for a full investigation of Diane Feinstein and other relevant senators for their roles in orchestrating the conspiracy -- criminal charges where possible but at least censure.  Feinstein's harboring of a Chinese spy also calls for further investigation.  That's not enough -- the Clintons scream for prosecution -- but it's a start.  Let's hope the Dems have sufficently riled the Republicans in Congress that they actually take the offensive.

America's future really does require that the radical leftists -- which now means Democrats -- never get power.

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