Thursday, July 18, 2019

"Send her back!" Hahahahaha!

I love that chant!

A number of people are aghast (or pretend to be, more likely), but this was a simply a group of Americans voicing their displeasure at a nasty, vile, detestable immigrant who hates America, the country that took her in, and is trying to destroy it.

Critics claim to be outraged, but none of them seems to recall that when she was Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton claimed she could unilaterally strip Americans of their citizenship. There was remarkably little complaint then, yet she was actually making a threat directed at political opponents.

Conversely, President Trump simply asked the America-hating Girl Socialist Squad to go away...and come back after they showed they knew how to fix third world hellholes.  Outrage ensues.  "How dare he!"

I understand that Hilliary was wrong and there’s no legal basis for deporting the girl scoundrels, but “send her back” is hilarious and I share the sentiment.

Photos: Ilhan Omar and her, brother,

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